Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 0...

Well like I have previously stated I am starting a diet Tuesday. While I was laying in bed I realized that it wouldn't kill me to go to the gym for a little while just to warm up for tuesday.
 I had already eatten breakfast and lunch 2 cup noodle soups! lol bad i know but its all i got to eat for this long weekend...

So I went to the gym didn't count for how long i was there but I do know that I burned 450 calories which is pretty decent for someone that hasnt been to the gym in FOREVER lol.
I also weighed myself and Uh oh those nubers did not make me happy. I have exactly 60lbs to lose, and i will in the 3 month frame I gave myself, because with hard work and effort anything is possible. after the gym I had a seared chicken breast with advacado and tomatos and BBQ sauce (bad but im working on it!, better then a burger with fries lol)

Tomorrow I will be going to the gym again, i will only eat one cup noodle soup and work out 500 calories. Dinner I dont know yet what I'll get, ill let you know tomorrow.

60 lbs in 3 months, Diet starts Tuesday March 1st and I am ready to do it!!!!! Plus with the support of my pookie things will be fine!!

See you tomorrow!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Easy choice with alot of work

    Well you all know me, im a normal girl that wants normal things from life. In the past few months I have lost weight but lately I have gained all that weight back. I never got to reach my goal from the get go so that is why Tuesday, March 1st i am starting a strict dieting regimin.

I do not want to disclose my actual weight currently but if desired I will post it when i reach my goal. My goal is to lose 60lbs in 3months. Sounds like alot but I've heard stories of wayy more. It is going to be alot alot alot of hard work not just because its going to be an extreme diet but because im in a culinary school. I have to make healthier choices. I will weigh myself monday to pinpoint exactly where I am. I'm nervous because I know its going to be tough but I know it needs to be done ASAP. I am un happy, and depressed with the way I look and sometimes it comes out for the world to see... I want to be happy again, and i will be.
With me posting this online I not only want to gain support from friends and family but I also want to Inspire anyone out there that might be having weight problems and cant find a way to lose the weight. I will be eatting healthy and ill post up what im eatting everyday and excersie, I will weigh myself every week once a week. Wish me luck guys! Ill get back to you on Tuesday!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Fishy Situation.

Hello Everyone!

                 My name is Genesis and im here to take you on a wonderful journey on food with me. If you love food this is the place for you, Im a student at the best Culinary school of the world (So they say), its called the CIA (Culinary Institute of America) as an aspiring Chef, I dont want to get into detail of why i do it or why I've chosen this proffesion its just as simple as this, Food is my life. Ive been here for a few months now and I'm currently in a Seafood class, Oh boy let me just tell you that the class is amazing and everything you learn in those 8 hour classes is incredible but the smell. The smell. I know, I know that with this situation come consequences but Lord this... Is something i could live without. I get out of class and people are asking me if Im in the seafood class...extremely embarassing.
                   So yes, I am now in Seafood,amazing class. The teachers pretty out of it but he knows his stuff and hes damn good at it. The helpers on the other hand are so rude. ugh. Overall, Im loving it. I learned how to fillet a fish, scale them and degut them....ajajaja that was fun! a whooray for the gross fish intestines in my hand!  Im not a major fish eatter but i enjoy shellfish very much!

One thing I am dreading is the assasination of the poor lobsters... I will cry that day. I love to eat them but being the one to murder them is another story. Well then, ill let you go now and if you have any comments or questions please do ask away.

"I wanted to learn everything I could about what it takes to be a great chef. It was a turning point for me. "

Thomas Keller