Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Fishy Situation.

Hello Everyone!

                 My name is Genesis and im here to take you on a wonderful journey on food with me. If you love food this is the place for you, Im a student at the best Culinary school of the world (So they say), its called the CIA (Culinary Institute of America) as an aspiring Chef, I dont want to get into detail of why i do it or why I've chosen this proffesion its just as simple as this, Food is my life. Ive been here for a few months now and I'm currently in a Seafood class, Oh boy let me just tell you that the class is amazing and everything you learn in those 8 hour classes is incredible but the smell. The smell. I know, I know that with this situation come consequences but Lord this... Is something i could live without. I get out of class and people are asking me if Im in the seafood class...extremely embarassing.
                   So yes, I am now in Seafood,amazing class. The teachers pretty out of it but he knows his stuff and hes damn good at it. The helpers on the other hand are so rude. ugh. Overall, Im loving it. I learned how to fillet a fish, scale them and degut them....ajajaja that was fun! a whooray for the gross fish intestines in my hand!  Im not a major fish eatter but i enjoy shellfish very much!

One thing I am dreading is the assasination of the poor lobsters... I will cry that day. I love to eat them but being the one to murder them is another story. Well then, ill let you go now and if you have any comments or questions please do ask away.

"I wanted to learn everything I could about what it takes to be a great chef. It was a turning point for me. "

Thomas Keller


  1. Oh Gen que chevere my amor que estas escribiendo sobre tu experiencia en el colleg, si que amas la cocina desde pequeña no veias cartoon, solo veias los programas de food network, y mira vamos a tener otro CHEF en la familia, ya que tu tio es CHEF, quizas de ahi te vino la inspiracion!! Felicidades y espero con ansias el moemnto en que me cocines algo por primera vez...

  2. hahahaha! sii tia i love cooking con todo mi corazon y alma! si mi tio me inspiro mucho , pero yo amo esta proffesion, es un estilo de vida... Si ti prometo cocinarte desde que vaya pa tu casa!

  3. Hey not-so-little-any-more-one, this is pretty cool, I hope you can keep it going, I'll follow the way, what is the right way to fillet a fish? I mean I ussually buy the fillet but I'd like to learn to do it...anyway, I tought you a thing or two, so pay up!!! LOL

  4. jajajajaja!! Thanks i will i promise!!!
    Well theres 3 ways to filet a fish but the 2 most common are "straight" and "Up & Over"
    If its salmon, you start from the spine and work your way down directly cutting through the bones..then you pick the bones out, thats "Straight"
    "Up and over" is a whole fillet start from one side riding your knife on the bones, over the spin and down the other side again, thats a clean filet no bones!
    yay buy a fish and do it LOL and let me know how it goes.

  5. Thank you very much! you saved me a lot of money having to take a class!! I think I've said this before but I'm really proud of you, I'm honoured having been your teacher at some point of your life...keep it up!

  6. Aww Mr, Thank you so much!! You we and always will be the and ARE the best teacher I've ever had!
    OMG yeah As i progress through the course ill have alot of blogs up and you can ask me anything! These things are costing me over 40,000 to learn LMAO, ill impart my knowledge on you for free ;)

  7. Thankssss Love, read you can learn some cooking!
